Secure collaboration tools
Our secure collaboration tools are a set of interconnected tools that centralize organizational, communication and collaboration data, accessible anytime through different devices (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) and interfaces (Web, IMAP, WebDAV, CalDAV, CardDAV, etc.). These tools include e-mail, calendar, contacts and documents storage.
Secure collaboration
Individual version
A professional and complete solution for your personal needs, at an affordable price. Available right now in any Web browser, without any installation. You may use your own domain name for email in this standard version.
Freelance workers, people in the profession, home users, etc.
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Group version
Online system dedicated to information sharing and distribution (companies, organisations, etc.), the secure collaboration solution is available immediately without any investment. You may use your own domain name for email in this standard version.
SME's, trade unions, organisations, clubs, etc.
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Customized version
Our secure collaboration solution is customized to your trade mark, colours and commercial offers: lay-out, subscriptions and prices. End users don't notice they use a private label version hosted on our or your servers.
Portals, telecom operators, associations, large companies, SME's, etc.
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